Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coming Home

We have finally be discharged from the hospital. We had to do a lot training with Quinn at the hospital to be able to manage her feeding tube. We can now replace the tube if it comes out, hook up feeding, give medication and stop the feedings
We started Quinn on some medication to help with her agitation. she used to cry up to 18 hours a day. it is so much better now.
She is really starting to plump up and gain some weight.

We have been going to appointments getting Quinn settled and trying to make things work for her and us at home.

After Quinn's first walk in her new stroller before admission.

Today she went on a walk with her grandma Toland and our puppy McKay.

Quinn's walk after discharge with Grandma T. and Mckay,
 in her super fancy stroller bought by Grandma H.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that she's home now and doing better. After reading this, I wish I could be up there to help you.
