Sunday, October 27, 2013

Occupational Therapy

I started this post before the recent tragic events... but I thought I'd post it anyway. It's not all the way complete, but I just don't have the heart to work  on it more right now. 

We've been really slacking in updated the blog. Once you get behind it's hard to get motivated to start again.

A big part of managing Quinn's condition is helping her develop her motor and oral skills. She lost a lot of skills she had early on due to the damage to her brain by the disease.

We have occupational therapy each week with a fabulous therapist named Heidi. She comes in to our home through the "Birth to Three program" or early intervention program (ESIT).

We do daily stretching with Quinn. With every diaper change we try to do hip stretches. For a long time her hips were very tight. At first she couldn't extend her hips enough to bring the back of her legs down to the ground.  It's been improving little by little... and now she can lie almost flat.

Quinn has a strong grip, but struggles to get objects into her hands. We work on passing objects back and forth, reaching and picking up items.
This is Quinn's favorite toy. The ball has a few little beads in compartments that rattle. She will actually track the ball with her eyes. This is is something new she's not been able to do in the past.
This is a sensory drum. Quinn can tap on the drum and feel the beads roll around inside. It helps with visual, audio and tactile development.

We work with Quinn to interact with things in her environment.

" I need a break!"
working in developing head strength

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